Given a string S, we can transform every letter individually to be lowercase or uppercase to create another string.
Return a list of all possible strings we could create. You can return the output in any order.
Example 1:
Input: S = "a1b2"
Output: ["a1b2","a1B2","A1b2","A1B2"]
Example 2:
Input: S = "12345"
Output: ["12345"]
S will be a string with length between 1 and 12.
S will consist only of letters or digits.
Explanation for Solution 1: Traverse the string, if it is a numeric character, just append it to every candidate string, otherwise copy every candidate string and append the lower and upper alphabet to both copies respectively.
Time complexity: O(2n∗n)
Space complexity: O(2n∗n)
Solution 1 - Iteration:
funcletterCasePermutation(S string) []string { bytes :=make([][]byte, 1)for i :=0; i <len(S); i++ { lower, upper, isAlpha :=getLowerAndUpper(S[i])if!isAlpha {for j :=0; j <len(bytes); j++ { bytes[j] =append(bytes[j], S[i]) }continue }for j, n :=0, len(bytes); j < n; j++ { temp :=append([]byte{}, bytes[j]...) bytes =append(bytes, temp) bytes[j] =append(bytes[j], lower) bytes[n+j] =append(bytes[n+j], upper) } } ans :=make([]string, 0, len(bytes))for _, b :=range bytes { ans =append(ans, string(b)) }return ans}funcgetLowerAndUpper(c byte) (byte, byte, bool) {if c >=65&& c <=90 {return c +32, c, true }if c >=97&& c <=122 {return c, c -32, true }return c, c, false}
Solution 2 - Backtracking:
funcletterCasePermutation(S string) []string {var ans []stringdfs(&ans, 0, []byte{}, S)return ans}funcdfs(ans *[]string, index int, path []byte, S string) {if index ==len(S) {*ans =append(*ans, string(path))return }for i := index; i <len(S) &&len(path) <len(S); i++ { lower, upper, isAlpha :=getLowerAndUpper(S[i])if!isAlpha { path =append(path, S[i])dfs(ans, index+1, path, S)break } path =append(path, lower)dfs(ans, index+1, path, S) path = path[:len(path)-1] path =append(path, upper)dfs(ans, index+1, path, S) }}funcgetLowerAndUpper(c byte) (byte, byte, bool) {if c >=65&& c <=90 {return c +32, c, true }if c >=97&& c <=122 {return c, c -32, true }return c, c, false}